Tuesday 11 February 2014

WOYWW 245 the one where she sews

Hi Peeps
Happy Wednesday to you all, time once again for our weekly hop around the worlds workspaces, c/o Auntie Julia    'queen of the blogs'.  workdesk fest
Not much on my desk this week .... there has been but I have finished 'stuff'.
Here's my almost empty desk, well not exactly empty.
everything you see here (except for the dandelion picture ) is left over and not put away from finished projects and not very interesting..... lazy me eh!

Anyway the  dandelion picture is last weeks piece for my Documented Life Project, which had to be inspired from an art piece on Pintrest or similar media site. This project seems to be taking over a lot of what I am doing at the moment..... but it is really making me re think what and how I do what I do ..... so that has to be good .... right?

This is the picture that was my inspiration, I don't know who it is by because it was posted on the DLP  buy another member of the group, who didn't know either....  Gorgeous isn't it .... this is obviously a painting but I decided to do a piece of machine embroidery. Here is my interpretation, it took a long time to do. Housework was sadly neglected in my house last weekend (no change there then says handyman hehe!)

The light is terrible here, but the white heads are very shimmery which doesn't show up.

I also liked the back  and couldn't decide which side to use in my journal so I made a window mount and used that so I could see both sides

close up of the 'flowers'

 This is the back .... one lovely member suggested they could be spring and autumn.... I thought that was a great idea.
It is late Tuesday night and  I need to sleep so I'll  see you later
Anyway usual rules apply
janet aka fairy thoughts


  1. I love your interpretation and the detail of the purple flowers is exquisite. I can easily understand why the routine household tasks have been neglected and very worth while it is in my opinion!
    Jo x

  2. Holy cow, Janet. I'm in LOVE with your stitching. You did a fantastic job. I can see why it took all weekend. It is gorgeous. I think it rivals the original inspiration piece. Happy WOYWW from #1.

  3. Wow! Your interpretation of the original in cotton is brilliant! I do love Pinterest but get frustrated if peeps don't pin things with the right links to the original. #32

  4. Sorry, I have been posting as #32 and I see that is you! OOPS! I am #33! Oh well, I have been to 20+ desks, they will find me I am sure.

  5. The piece you took your inspiration from is gorgeous, but so is your version!! Good luck with DLP as it continues. Helen 12

  6. These are just gorgeous!! I like the orange/red/yellow one, especially!
    Happy WOYWW :)
    no. 26

  7. Wow Janet. Your embroidery is stunning. I can see why you used that pic as inspiration too...gorgeous.
    Annie x # 50

  8. Cor, I love that work, Janet. I wouldn't know where to begin with something like that! Is that free machining you've done? Cos if it is, I'm bringing my machine to our meetup and please will you show me how!?
    And who cares about housework anyway, lol!
    Hugs, LLJ 39 xx

  9. Very, Very pretty. and unusual. thanks for sharing #53

  10. What a gorgeous piece, great that you could mount it to see both sides too. Happy WOYWW BJ#58

  11. Beautiful work Janet. It reminds me of an embroidered picture I bought in the Cotswolds years ago, so pretty and delicate.
    Happy Wednesday
    Ann B

  12. I see why you were inspired by that picture it's beautiful!
    You have done a great job yourself!
    Jackie 22

  13. Lovely machine embroidery - the detail is fab. x Jo

  14. Wow it's stunning! I love your version, so tactile looking. Enjoy your day. Take care Zo xx 71

  15. What a wonderful translation of the inspiration pic. Front and back both lovely. Happy Trails Carole #68

  16. WOW! Your projects are just gorgeous!!!!! Happy WOYWW and thanks for visiting!
    Carol N #14

  17. This is beautiful.
    Love all the detailing and colours :)
    Thank you for your visit to #59

  18. Fab embroidery! I love dandelions !
    thanks for the snoop around your place.
    robyn 9

  19. Hi Belinda, thanks for visiting me earlier today! Oh, how I love, love, love the whimsical flowers, dandelions. I have always thought they were so magical! Have a great WOYWW!

  20. That's funny how both sides are equally as lovely. Wonderful work and I can see why the housework was neglected!

  21. Really gorgeous Dandelions.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #25

  22. oh wow, your machine embroidery is just stunning, love this!

  23. Oh, that's beautiful Janet. I don't blame you for not wanting to cover up the back! Thanks for your kind comment on my cards xx

    Fiona #42

  24. Hi Janet, take a look at Black Sheep wools in Culcheth, as they sell all the main brand yarns so cheaply. Their mail order charge is very reasonable too.
    Jo x

  25. Love all your painting--the dandelions are adorable. It reminds me of when I was little and made necklaces out of them! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #11

  26. I just saw your question about the egg scale. You are the first person to recognize what it is. BTW, the egg was blown, then sealed, so that's why it doesn't weigh anything. Supposedly, it is for both size and weight, but one time while I was cleaning it (remember I'm the anal one), I accidentally scrubbed off most of the letters. There's also a way to adjust the weight, too. Thanks for asking.

  27. Great idea to do the window mount! Sometimes things look so different on the back, but even just allowing the light to shine thru can drastically alter things. I'll file that idea away...I tend to do the basic idea with vellum (doing it now as a matter of fact but not blogged the WOYWW project yet) where the see-thru nature is key, but just t be able to see the back as well I something I just never thought of as a consideration. I love WOYWW...even on a Thursday!

    Romantic day out with DH kept me from WOYWW so here I am today!

    Mary Anne (27)

  28. I think both sides are fantastic, great creation and one you should be proud off. Hope you have a wonderful week and thanks for visiting me and leaving a comment.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Eliza 10

  29. Hi Janet,

    Very cool! Both sides are equally beautiful. Does that happen a lot with your embroidery? You asked about my sign "Don't forget to Breathe" and wondered why I'd need a reminder. Guess it isn't so much as the breathing itself but just to stop, be quiet, and do some deep breaths every now and again.

    Thanks for visiting me already.
    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (86)

  30. Hi Janet, that is a gorgeous piece. I'm afraid I have dropped by the wayside on ADL, I rather thought I would though, lol. Great idea for the two seasons, works beautifully. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #43 xx

  31. I quite agree that both sides are lovely in their own way, and it seems a shame to hide one side. Thank you for your visit. I shall be so glad to finish the final bit of tidying and sorting. xx Maggie #15


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