Tuesday 21 October 2014

T on Tuesday

Morning all
I haven't posted here     http://www.alteredbooklover.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/tea-stands-for-trip-to-exploration.html?m=1 with elizabeth for a while ..... Time ... You know don't you. But this morning is a chillin day and while checking my phone I came across a t  Tuesday post from julia dunnit   http://stamping-ground.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/t-for-tuesday.html?m=1  about go to mugs just as I was making a coffee in my go to mug. 

This is mine ...  
I brought this mug back in the late  1970s I enjoyed using it for a while, then 'lost it'
Mm ....... fast forward to February 2014. My handyman moved offices at work and brought home some 'stuff' from his desk...... Yes MY mug has been on his desk for 30 years (OMG) with pens in. I have no recollection of how or why it was there. Now I use it everyday as my go to mug. Coffee tastes even better now. 
Talking of T' s I am currently trying to explain to Erin that these 2 T s aren't the same 

Enjoy the day .... Eat cake with your drink ...  It's also my birthday


  1. To think I read the ENTIRE entry, only to see it's your birthday last. You should have made that your first statement, not as nearly a post script. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear Janet, happy birthday to you!!

    Got a laugh out of your mug tale. So good to see the one that makes you so happy that you thought was lost. How fun to find lost things, isn't it? Almost like a birthday gift of its own!

    Thanks for sharing your fun mug, tale, and BIRTHDAY with us for T this Tuesday.

  2. Hello and Happy Birthday!
    What a story that cute owl mug has to tell
    Your post today fits T Tuesday to a T or two or more :-)

  3. Happy birthday to you!!! Have an awesome day! I have an owl mug from the 70's too and am glad to have it yet:) Happy T day!

  4. Happy Birthday!

    I got a kick out of the prodigal mug story. I know you gave it a proper homecoming lol

  5. oh happy birthday dearie! too funny about your 'lost' mug...love that little owl! hope your day is fun and enjoyable!! ☺

  6. Happy T Day and Birthday to you!! What a sweet owl mug to enjoy your drink from. Great story to go with it, thank you.

  7. Happy Birthday from another T person! I enjoyed your cute story about the mug!

  8. Happy Birthday!!! And that's awesome that you got an old favorite mug back after all those years!!
    Happy T-Day! :)

  9. Happy Birthday, and yes I'll have cake too.....grin
    So glad you found your cup.....great story....LOL
    Happy T-day

  10. Happy happy Birthday!!! Loved the story about the cup. What was old is new again!! Hugs! deb

  11. Happy Birthday! Cakes on you. I love when the lost is found!

  12. Happy Birthday. Great story about the mug resurfacing



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