Tuesday 21 October 2014

WOYWW281 sewing smelly socks

Hi Deskers
Oh I did enjoy that...... the celebrity Sewing Bee.... (I am writing this Tuesday eve) worth watching if you missed it and there is another one on Thursday.
I digress........ I know you are here to see my desk..... well maybe!
If not..... do pop over to Julia's to see what it is all about at the   stamping-ground. its great fun and very addictive.
Thanks for all your lovely comments last week about my daily photos..... no such luck this week there hasn't been much movement at all...... except this . . . . . .

My Mums' old sewing machine I use in my craft room for simple projects.... like the smelly socks I have been making to put on my folksy shop.
It is very basic but it sews well and I also use it for free machine embroidery.
To get it on my desk I had to perform some complicated manoeuvres.....aka  shove it to the left.

If you look closely you can also see the results of my dying..... no not that sort...tied fabric dying...... I made some fat quarter bundles. love the patterns on these.
On the far right is the still unfinished glasses box for my (still broken) desk glasses... must finish .... soon.

No they aren't unwashed .... they have lavender in them and are tied up with ribbon.... cute huh!
Anyway that's me done for this week.....  thanks for dropping by...., please leave a comment and I will catch up with you in the next few days


  1. cute socks! I enjoyed the Sewing Bee too, well done Wendi! Helen 4

  2. The nice thing about these smelly socks is, we all lose socks in our dryers, right? This is the answer to those singles left behind. Clever, useful, and keep the socks out of the landfill. I like the concept and want my lavender to get big enough I can start cutting it. Happy WOYWW from # 2.

  3. I'm so glad you explained why you were selling smelly socks....I couldn't imagine why anyone would want to buy them.....but I can now :-) What a fab idea. I've had the twins running round all week practising for halloween and shouting 'trick or treat or smelly feet' so your blog seemed so appropriate :-)
    Annie x # 31

  4. Hi Janet, great idea to add to drawers and stuff. I love the smell of lavender. Its amazing how well some old machines keep going, isn't it? My Moms old machine I passed on to a friend a while ago, must have been 35 years old at least, and still going strong. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #28 xxx

  5. Sounds like you're having fun. I hope the socks sell well. Are the fat quarters for you, or to sell? If you use them, do show what they become. Have a lovely week, Chris # 3

  6. I love your sewing machine and I have just watched the Sewing Bee on iplayer. I was amazed at the final dresses they were all lovely.

  7. I love you wonderfully smelling lavender socks! What a good gift idea!
    Thank you for letting me have a peep of your workspace.
    Have a good week

  8. Great sock idea. Love the sewing machine. Peg #20

  9. I had to smile at your sewing machine, I have one very similar that was also my Mum's. It weighs an absolute ton so rarely comes out of the cupboard but I'll never part with it.
    Love your lavender soaks.
    Hugs Lisax #37

  10. Oh! I see! Smelly like smells-good smelly! I often say "Someone stinks in here" when I mean a nice perfume. It never goes over well. Nifty socks and a nifty sewing machine too. I took photos of my workdesk but didn't get around to posting them. They day is still young though!

  11. They did so well on the Sewing Bee. Loved Wendi and Dave's final dresses. Cute sock project. I hope you had a lovely birthday xx

    Fiona #75

  12. Your tie-dye fabrics look great! Something else for me to try! Have a great week! zsuzsa@ InkyDinkyDoodle #45

  13. Hi Janets! I gibbed up on my mom and jist posted her werkdesk Wednesday fing myself! She gots lots of junk on her desks but no stinky sox! I wik stinky sox! They are nice to take a nap on. Dat is a gud selling point for your sox! Love Dio. #79

  14. 6022R in pencil is the only reference I can find on that stamp - sorry.
    Funny thing about this post of yours is that I have my mum's old Singer sewing machine - metal through and through - a real workhorse compared to my expensive 'fancy dancy' new one. Keep sewing.
    Hugs, Neet 34

  15. I agree, this weeks Sewing Bee was genius! Hilarious and inspirational at the same time.

    Thanks for visiting my desk already
    kyla #11


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