Tuesday 4 November 2014

WOYWW 283 changes ?

Hi deskers 
my desk is a mess..... No ....really. 
Do you care ?.....if you do ...you may want to visit blog hopper in charge .....Joinery Julia at http://stamping-ground.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/whats-on-your-workdesk-wednesday-283.html?m=1
if you don't care ....visit anyway to find out why you should. 

Anyway I had good intentions    ( remember those?).... of tidying it all up..
Did I ? not sure .....what do you think?

Nah! .....A little thing called 3 year old GD Erin happened so nothing got done except more cutting and sticking. 

Erin loves using my big shot so at the front is a pile of shapes she cut earlier. Next to that are her felt pens and a star shaped dish we decopatched between us. It was quite a productive morning. 
At the back some of you will be pleased to see a pile of Christmas stuff. It's Preparation for a sewing workshop in a couple of weeks .. Well You knew I had to give in eventually didn't you. 
Have a great week I hope to see your desk later ..... If you leave your Mr Limky number that is. 


  1. I looks as if you tidy up a bit. #8

  2. I think you moved it from one corner all together
    Bridget #2

  3. I think your space is fab... I must get a proper desk to work at next year... my knees are beginning to demand it. Hope you get some C stuff done soon! you know you need to!! Helen 3

  4. Hi Janet, Some people will use any excuse for their mess but blaming it on a gorgeous little girl!! Really! hehehe It looks like you've been having some REAL fun on your desk this week. :-)
    Annie x # 27

  5. Nothing wrong with a bit of mess, Janet, mine's just as bad but hey, there's no time to tidy when there's crafting to be done is there?
    Good luck with all the Xmas preparation, I really need to knuckle down to some.
    Hugs Lisax #33

  6. Lovely to spend time with the little ones and it looks like you are sharing a love of craft and perhaps a future woyww.
    Sandra de @21

  7. Yeah, like you need Erin as an excuse to create a mess!! The Christmas sewing workshop sounds fun...what are you going to be making?
    Did you see the date of next years's crop, May 16th? Hope it's ok for you!
    Hugs, LLJ 25 xx

  8. Hi Janet, your desk certainly looks to have had plenty of use this last week. Lolled at LLJ's comment!Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #14

  9. enjoy your gd :) this is so fun to see ~Stacy #60

  10. Oh it's great fun to do crafting with a 3 yr old! They love sticky and colour etc.
    Thank you for letting me look over your shoulder.
    Have a good week.

  11. Nothing like a 3 year old to bring things to a grinding halt! We all have good intentions. #22

  12. Would love to have a little 3 yr old to craft with!

    Katie #63

  13. Any time spent crafting with loved ones is well worth any mess!

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #26

  14. Looks like a wonderful crafting space to me! I'll be crafting with the three grandkids this weekend. We have to make birthday cards for their Mom and we'll be making paper bag hand puppets for them. Grandkids are the best!
    Happy WOYWW.

  15. So long as you can squeeze a little space to work in, who cares?! Family time is just so important and precious - enjoy! Happy WOYWW, Chris # 7

  16. I think there's a little bit of Christmas on every desk I've visited today. I've tidied up my room since my photo and made it messy again - but my bed calls, if for npo other reason than its gettig a tad chilly. Sounds like you and Erin had fun. Happy WOYWW Cindy x

  17. Mess is a good thing, so don't worry about being neat. It's more fun to play than tidy, especially when you have a little GD to play with.
    Have a great week.
    Von #23

  18. Your work space always looks so inviting and interesting! Glad you had fun crafting with your GD - I love crafting with my nephews, children are so enthusiastic about everything - and their expectations aren't too high either, so less pressure!! Thanks for stopping by earlier, hope you have a great week,
    Diana #41

  19. LOL! I just got an email from HobbyCraft to say the Big Shot is on sale for under £50. One day you may have to buy her her own....

    And BTW, in total awe of your ADL journal and how well you have done. Wondering if I can amend the one I sort of flirted with last year to use for 2015 and actually DO IT. I am kidding myself, I'm sure, but maybe I can cling to the hope it MIGHT happen for a little bit longer...

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

  20. A sewing workshop huh? At work? Are you running it? How fun! Love the idea of Erin doing the die cutting - she could do all my workshop prep for me!

  21. great looking work space. How can you not let the granddaughter cut the shapes even if you end up with boxes of them! Interesting thought going to a sewing workshop. Need to look into it and see if there are any to be had around here. Have a great week. Vickie #68

  22. Messy or busy? I prefer the latter! My girl used to love cutting with the Bigshot when she was little. I had a shoe box full of the bitty Sizzix people!

  23. I'm with Erin, the fun is cutting everything out...smart wee thing she is!! Actually, there are some 'spot the differences' between the two pics so you must have put something away... or thrown the rubbish out? LOL Annette #18


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