Thursday 6 November 2014

Smiley Friday no. 92

Hi peeps
Happy friday, how are you all doing. I'm really smiling this morning because I'm in the gym .... You may think Aghh at 8.30 in the morning.... But let me tell you that is great progress for me .... It's the first time I have felt like getting here at this time for nearly a year .... I must be feeling better 😀. 
If you came by last week I showed  a piece of sewing I was doing no correct answers arrived in the post so here is the answer .......not especially funny but might make you smile. 

This is the  original picture in case you missed it

This is the finished article...
And this is what it is used for.....

A baby's swaddle blanket .......for my niece who is due to 'pop' any day now.
No babies were hurt in these photos.:-).
I'm joining in with Annie's smiles again today.


  1. Oh that's brilliant. What a fab design.
    Annie x

  2. well we never would've guessed a baby blanket, but what a fab, bright, cheery idea. Have a wonderful weekend Robyn

  3. Love the fabric and simple design...great idea!

  4. This is a great idea ! Pretty fun colors too. Thanks for the visit and enjoy a wonderful weekend. Think of me...we are forcast for very cold temps and SNOW..

  5. A clever design with a very cute piece of fabric. I am so glad you are feeling well enough to visit the gym. Long may it continue! Kate x

  6. I missed last week, but I would not have guessed this was a baby blanket. Maybe because I have no children, or maybe because I never played with dolls. But that is a clever design, and I laughed at the comment about no baby being hurt. Have a super weekend.


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