Tuesday 11 November 2014

WOYWW 284 rapid hand movements

Hi Deskers.
Its late Tuesday eve ... but  later than I usually write this post so I will be quick. My desk will still be the same in the morning so it still counts .... right?
Here' s my desk early Tuesday evening.

I have been busy sewing but cannot show yet (yes its for Christmas ..... there I've finally said it )
I had some unexpected crafting time on Tuesday evening while handyman was out.... so not to waste time I was like a mad woman (some might say that's  normal) trying to do a page in my DLP journal.
The prompt was add a tab.... I was just grabbing whatever was to hand..... sometimes it works .... sometimes it doesn't.....time will tell. Not sure where it is going.
What else can we see... lets do left to right shall we:

Brick wall fabric I am going to use on my next DLP page.
Drawer full of labels.... DD bra tag showing ... Mmm!
Mad page with stuff glued on and painted.
The only pair of scissors I could find and a funny post card ....not sure where that came from!
The left over tissue paper I used on the page ... it says Fossil ... not sure where that came from either.
The rest is the usual 'schtuff'.......... you know what I mean!

Lastly this is my latest page which was about including leaves... I used a fig leaf which reminded me of Adam and Eve and as October was breast cancer month I included a pink ribbon. No fig trees were hurt in this process ... the leaves fall off anyway.
Anyway that's it from my desk this week.... do pop over and see what the rest of the crafting world is up to via Julia at the stamping-ground.
I missed a few of my visitors last week.... sorry I  will try harder this week ... promise .... but it may not be until later in the week as its handyman birthday  today and I am out Thursday too.
please leave your linky number so I can find you


  1. Lovely design the leaves are a nice touch. Happy early woyww!

  2. Not done any 'just for me'crafting for a bit, I feel the need... love the leaves. Fossil is the make of my watch so maybe that's where the tissue is from?? we save anything, after all! Helen 3

  3. Love it! Had to smile at using the only scissors you could find - DH continually nags me for stealing the kitchen ones! Happy WOYWW, Chris # 7

  4. Happy Birthday to the handyman. Hope you have a great day.
    Annie x # 26

  5. Why do we have so many scissors and yet they all seem to disappear, there must be a scissor fairy out there, lol.
    Love your leaf design.
    Hugs Lisax #34

  6. Those leaf prints are fabulous! I wish you a creative week! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #33

  7. One can never have enough scissors - just for the day when they all decide to hide!! Love that page, the lkeaves are lovely. Happy Wednesday, Cindy #42

  8. I love your leaf page - the prints make a fab background, and the fig leaf is a beautiful shape, it makes such a change from the usual ones around. Hope you have a good week,
    Diana #44

  9. Isn't it amazing that we can have 37 pairs of scissors and can't find a single pair when you want them? LOL Love the leaf background and the pink ribbon, very pretty indeed! Annette #31

  10. That is just a bunch of loveliness on your desk! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #57

  11. Loving the leaves, great idea. Your desk looks interesting too, lots going on there.
    Have a great week and happy crafting, Angela x 39

  12. I like all the this and that on your desk and how you just use whatever you can find to play with. Judy #73

  13. Loving your leaf work x
    Happy Wednesday

  14. Hi FT, Happy WOYWW. Great journal page, and if you didn't tell us that DD was a bra tag we wouldn't have known, I wouldn't for sure! In fact I had to go back and take another look for it since you mentioned it lol.

    Cazzy x #69

  15. That was a fun post! Love the leafy art, really fun fig leaf action ;-)
    Hugs, LLJ 32 xx

  16. Still very much enjoying your journal pages & I am still impressed with your dedication. Well done. And fab page too. So much fun to use stuff you have just hanging about. I have a drawer of labels too but mostly tags. Lots of my ribbon is snipped off hanging ribbons from DDs tops :) and HOW MANY scissors?? I have like 8 and that seems excessive to me... :)

    Happy (late again) WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (2)

  17. Love your art journal page with the leaves! beautiful! And my eye got drawn to that brick wall. Very good that. What are you going to use that for?
    Thanks for letting me look over your shoulder,
    Have a good week,
    Sorry I'm late but I take my time going through them all. (I enjoy reading all the blogs and look at the photos)

  18. Hi Janet, I'm all behind this week, so don't worry, you are not alone, lol. Love that brick fabric, especially the colour. Great journal page too. Have a great week, hugs, Shaz #20

  19. I am only just getting round...I think many of us are behind! I love that I am not the only one busy making but not able to show the fruits of our labours yet!!

    Thanks for visiting my desk already

  20. Why do scissors hide, is there a scissor party I don't know about....


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