Wednesday 24 August 2011


 hi Wednesday peepers
Only just got time to post this today.
It looks like Julia has had a bit of trouble with todays post, (look but you wont see her desk LOL   What's on your workdesk wednesday Have a look anyway
I have been to a leaving do for one of our saturday girls who is leaving to start a proper job as a teacher.
She has been at the shop for 5 years, we will miss you Nat.

Anyway my desk is a bit of a mess this week, Tuesday is crafty day buy I didnt get the chance to clear up at all, just dumped stuff ontop of everything else. I made some cards for work colleges next month. You can just see one on the left hand side.
I also made a card for Natalie but had to give it to her. I know it was on yesterdays blog too, sorry!

 I have been sorting ribbons (dirty job but someone has to do it) into a thread box. I am wrapping them around the bobbins and fastening them with a paper clip . . .  sad I know.
In the middle is a photo album I have just started of my beautiful granddaughter (I'll show some next week)

Regular peepers might remember a couple of weeks ago about the stocking competition at work. Well here is the window...... it's fab, well done Karen. So if you get the chance come on down to Winchester and have a look (better still come inside and have a look).

I will be on holiday for  2 weeks so I wont be there, some of the other staff blog so say hallo.
 Can you guess which is my stocking (clue) it didnt win.... who did? .....natalie and it was the first thing she had ever quilted. 
Anyway I have just got time to peep at a few desks before bed
night night


  1. cute card and loved the stockings.

  2. Inspiring as always! Have a great holiday x

  3. Thanks for the nose around those little sets of drawers.... great window.

  4. Wished I lived nearer. I would be in to have a good look. Thanks for you comments. Have a good holiday. Lynne x

  5. Gorgeous card and I love your colouring of the sweet image. Hope you've had a great holiday and WOW to the window design. Chris x

  6. Hi there sorry! running VERY late - sigh, not to worry love the card you have made - great colours and LO happy WOYWW, thanks for popping over! :) Shaz in Oz.x


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