Wednesday 31 August 2011

WOYWW116 or 117? little ray of sunshine

hi  wednesday world
I am a bit confused this week, by my calculation it should be WOYWW117 but maybe that's just me I will check later. Or check yourself at julia's stamping ground blog being nosey and looking at other peoples  workdesks

 I'm on hols this week and could not put up with the terrible blue colour in my craft room any longer, so we decided to paint it over the holiday weekend (even though we had all the family over for dinner.
Now the chap in the corner is very handy  (he even tried to explain the concept of dusting to me  lol) well the painting didnt go quite to plan either! (dusting is a strange concept too!)

Anyway covering up that blue with wild primrose wasn't easy it took 5 coats, yup! 5 coats, it took ages.
I think this was after the 2nd one.

Where did all the stuff go.



 And finally HERE, after all that painting and aching muscles  it took ALL day to put the stuff back, I even threw some away (not much, but dont tell the 'handy man')

This is my desk just before I started  this morning with a few bits I brought in Hobbycrafts sale. I might even decorate the word later and put it on my door

Anyway to sum up I'm never ever decorating my craft room again.
Well Happy wednesday hopping. The stamp I brought in Hobbycraft say


off to see your desks now (the computer is in 'my' room)
ps it should be 117 but thats julia for you LOL


  1. A lot of work...but it looks worth it, you will have a lovely fresh room now.

  2. Oh you are a Brave Sole!!! But it turned out Beautiful!!!!!!! That is the perfect color you picked... no, I would NEVER do it over it over again either...

  3. Well done for all the hard work - it will be worth it in the long run!! Hugs, LLJ xx

  4. Love your handiwork - and your handyman - the painting sounds very hard work! But it looks great now.
    I make it 117 too....

  5. Well done! The scary thing is that I bought the same word in the Hobbycraft sale! LOL!

  6. I know the feeling, I did mine a couple of years ago. Yours is looking fab now though.

  7. gosh what beautiful light tidy craft room.Love your create wording i havent got hobby craft near me .May go check online see if they have any!
    Happy woyww
    hugs Judex20

  8. Hi there you do have very busy post and bye bye blues! Happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x

  9. Alot of hard work but well worth it, I think that colour looks fab

  10. My, what a big job! You must be exhausted. I only sorted my room and I could not walk for days the muscles were aching so much (old age!) and I did not even paint.
    It looks great though, well worth the effort.
    Happy WOYWW

  11. Oooooh how fabulous - lucky you... it looks just wonderful and who wouldn't want to play there all day ! Enjoy that space!
    Thanks for the peek
    Sarah at 4

  12. Are you hiring him out for a bit of painting??!! The room looks fab, very jealous!

  13. Ah I thought it should be 117 this week, when I saw 116 I thought maybe id gone loopy and added a number lol. My distress storage is from somewhere online and was around £20, I will find where if your interested, mind you if mr handyman could make it for you then it would be loads better as you could have exactley what you want. Love the new colour of the craft room but wow you were brave, moving it all out and back in lol. Love the grungy monday challenge you have done its gorgeous. Kezzy x


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