Friday 16 May 2014

Friday smile can you guess what it is

Hi peeps 
Happy nearly weekend aka Friday. 
Today on Annie's smiley link up I am sharing a photo I took last weekend. 

I really liked this one and it made me smile I hope you work out what it is. I expect your replies to make me smile too. I will post the full picture next week. 
Visit Annie for more fun pictures


  1. I see lots of metal, so at first I thought it was a gate. Then I noticed the spring, so I have NO idea. Of course, it could be a metal mixed media owl. You can tell where MY mind is!!

  2. It's just got to be the front window at Madonnas. :-)
    Annie x

  3. Is it mattress springs? ;)

  4. I am with Annie! Or maybe Madonna's corset?

  5. Hi Janet, I tried to figure out what the photo might be of too and then I got such a hoot out of Madonna's corset! But, I was thinking springs of some sort too. Thanks for sharing. TGIF!

  6. Well, me two thoughts have been said already - some sort of Madonna sculpture or an old fashioned mattress interior. I love these sorts of photos because things look so different when you only see a glimpse.
    Thanks for the smile

  7. Bed springs - but I like the idea of Madonna's underwear better! Have a great weekend. Chris xx

  8. Bed springs would be my guess, but I was giggling at the idea of Madonna's corset! Thanks for the smile. Caro x (#13)

  9. I really think it belongs to Madonna... what ever it is!
    Thanks for your comment and Liverpool is quite a place to visit and has more listed buildings than London. Not as famous but defo grade 1....
    we MUST that trip for you just as soon as I've had my downstairs shower/loo installed (shortly)!
    Jo x

  10. Fun Photo, I would have to guess old bed spring? LOL Keep smiling and creating

  11. Fun photo....there are lmany types of bed springs...and my hubby found a unique sofa spring in an old sofa ...I had him save it hope to recycle it after I get thru painting! . Have a good weekend.

  12. Cool photo! I'm guessing a bed frame, but they look like big owl eyes. Laughing at the Madonna comments! Have a great weekend.

  13. I am sure it's bed springs but would much rather is was Madonna's latest outfit trim! Are we swapping ATCs this year - if so is your address same as last year? x Jo

  14. I thought bed-springs too, but I hope it is something more interesting! Kate x

  15. I thought it was bed springs too. .. lack of imagination perhaps :D
    or because remember what they were like too, thanks for popping over, Shaz in oz.x


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