Tuesday 13 May 2014

WOYWW258 a bit of this and that

hi peeps
yes I know! Wednesday again so soon.... we say this every week don't we?

Here's my desk (messy side) this week, not very messy but  its a beginning, my theme is Mess is More! because ... well the messier the better!
there is about 10-12 magazines ..... mostly unread but I'm slowly getting through them.

The 5th anniversary Of WOYWW is only 2 weeks away I thought I really should start on my ATCs ... so I did just that, but only just. Don't know what I am talking about .....really ? you really must pop over and join in the fun

On the left is some tissue I might be using on my ATC's and next to this a first draught... maybe, on the right is a lovely bark background stamp I won from the artistic stamper, wood is the symbol for 5th wedding anniversary (well its similar)
Sadly, I cannot go to the Anniversary crop but I have made a raffle prize if I can get it to Julia in time.... here is a sneak peek.

I bagged a bargain this week in Poundland ....... a pack of 30 sheets of smooth 200g white card.... for ... yes only a pound!
Its good stuff too.


If you visited last week you may remember I was beading a bag for DD3 wedding.... here is the finished bag ... I don't mind showing this in advance as it's not really a spoiler.
the pattern was in the new sewing magazine.... Love Sewing.... and I do.

Another blogger who loves sewing and has just joined the blogging world is my DD1 so if you get time hop over to her new blog and say Hi....she is a very talented embroiderer and trained at The Royal School of Needlework at Hampton court... not that she will say that as she is quite modest ... but Mums are allowed brag!
emma's sew happy   I


  1. Hi Janet,

    It's so nice to get a jump on visiting WOYWW posts!

    The tissue paper looks interesting; I watched a video today about putting a thin layer of gesso on it to make it more stiff. I thought the video would show more but it didn't - oh well.

    The purse you made is beautiful. I'm planning to start sewing at some point. I've bought a few top patterns and the Learn to Sew book - haven't cracked the spine on it yet. I will definitely go check out DD1 blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Peace, Kay (no # yet)

  2. Golly Janet, that bag is fabulous. You are such a fantastic seamstress.

    You didn't give us much of a sneak peek at that raffle prize. I know the wedding is taking all your energy, so I hope you can meet up with Julia before the crop.

    Gosh, I would not have thought to think of wood as my background for the 5th WOYWW. But thanks in part to you, I don't have to.

    It's early, so I have no number yet. I'm off to see your daughter's blog, too. Happy WOYWW.

  3. You were linking at the exact moment I was, as I hit at number 5 till I refreshed and saw you'd pipped me! Love the bag! Shame you can't make the crop this time, we'll miss you. Have a good week. Helen 7

  4. What a steal when you can get a deal on paper at the dollar store and your purse is so pretty love the way you did it hugs Nikki 6

  5. The bag looks stunning
    Bridget #4

  6. Hi
    It's been a while I know, since I last managed to link up but I'm back now and just popping my head round the door to say hello!
    Looks like it is all go in your neck of the woods.
    Thanks for sharing your creative space and I hope you have a good week too.

    Neil #10

  7. That bag is beautiful, thanks for sharing
    Krisha #19

  8. LOVE your beaded bag! My daughter is getting married too! Her wedding is in July and things are crazy with all that we've been making and doing. At least the invitations are made and sent...THAT was a project!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Amy E. #3

  9. Hi Janet. I really love your finished bag....very stylish :-) I've popped over to Emma's to welcome her to the fold. You have every right to be proud of her.
    Annie x # 32

  10. Love your bag, and will try go to your DDs blog later after I have done as many desks as I can before work this morning... #28

  11. The bag turned out great, and glad to get to see it. Will pop to Emma's as soon as I get thru a few more return comments. Looking forward t a big reveal of the ATCs too :)

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (2)

  12. Cor, I LOVE that bag! Very elegant, love the little touches...I haven't seen that magazine. Will have a look out for it :-)
    I bet you're getting excited about the wedding now. Hope the good weather continues fair!
    Hugs, LLJ 22 xx

  13. The bag is really nice, you are a consistently clever gal. Haven't forgotten about coming over, in fact, was going to propose a trip to Jan because we are in dire need of a get together, haven't seen her for yonks! Will get over to Emma's too, and may very well have to send our kid into Poundland for a quick look....

  14. Your bag looks great Janet. I really like the extra touch of the beaded band. Very clever. I thought the first issue of that mag was great. Something for everyone. Looking forward to the next one.

    Fiona #41

  15. A very pretty bag, Janet. Happy ATC making! Chris # 23

  16. Such a lovely bag! Makes me wish I could sew! I sadly can't even sew a button! Looks like some fun creating on the tissue paper! Look forward to seeing your ATC's completed. Happy WOYWW! Winnie#57

  17. Lovely bag Janet and i have just been over to greet Emma too! x Jo

  18. Your bags the talk of the town...simply divine. Nice score on the paper too! Be well Carole #44

  19. Gorgeous bag and that tissue paper is beautiful. Love the wood idea, I may have to follow your lead on this. Happy WOYWW! #66

  20. Fab bag! And a desk ready for creating. Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Nan G #15

  21. Hello Janet. That bag is just beautiful. Well done. Love the edging. And all that tissue paper...whatever will you do with all that?!
    Have a great week.
    Margaret #46

  22. Snap! Just started my ATCs as well, not quite sure what I'm doing yet though. Great bag! Happy WOYWW Cindy #45

  23. Hi Janet, love the bag - it's beautiful. I love sewing and have that magazine too :) The card was certainly a bargain ... must look out for it next time I'm near a Poundland. Now I'm off to visit Emma. Have a great week, Elizabeth x #78

  24. Love the bag Janet. I started my ATCs but not finished yet, must get a move on. Happy crafting, Angela x 50

  25. If you want to find me on FB, I am listed as Margaret Craner. Thank you for becoming a follower, you are very welcome. That is such a lovely bag, and finding that card was a seriously good buy. I hope you have a really good week. xx Maggie #20

  26. Fabulous bag, Janet, and wonderful bargain on the card! I need to start on a plan for ATCs; it should be "time flies" because that's what is happening to me more than ever this year! Thank you for stopping by to see me and FS! Have a wonderful week! Hugs, Darnell #24

  27. Hi Janet happy WOYWW- glad you've made a start on your ATCs, I happily have mine in the post to Julia - she may save you one if you ask, Robyn from Australia, sorry you're not able to attend the crop. Love the beaded bag, very stylish and just the right size. Cheers and have a wonderful week RobynO#73

  28. Gotta love Poundland! I'm such a sucker for a bargain. #65

  29. Beautiful bag Janet thanks for sharing and yes I am a bargain finder too, good for you.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 90

  30. What a gorgeous looking bag - you really are very talented. Thanks for sharing. Happy belated WOYWW. Caro x (#92)

    P.S. Can you email me your address for the ATC swap (details on my blog). thank you!

  31. Hi Janet! That is a beautiful bag! I cant wait for the ATC swap anniversary party! Looks like you have been very busy and found time for a bargain. My kind of week! Thanks for the visit.
    Have a wonderful week!

  32. Lovely bag you made for your daughter, and a bargain you snapped up with the card.
    I still haven't started my atc's but I will get them done, no worries here - just need to start. You have not given much away re the prize - what a lovely idea - I can't go either, a bit too far for the day.
    Hugs, Neet 13 xx

  33. Hi Janet, yes I'm going to the crop, just need to get my ass in gear and do my ATC's! Should have got started before going on holiday, lol. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #29 xx

    1. Hi shaz
      I'm sure you will get them all done in time

  34. Stunning bag you have made - happy WOYWW - Nicky #30


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