Wednesday 26 December 2012


Hi world,
Normally I write my WOYWW post on a Tuesday, and this week is no different. see all the good stuff     here    Julia assures us she is posting this week.... in between the mince pies and the mulled wine !
 I know it is Chrisdtmas day but this won't take long I'm keeping it short, while watching Downton.
Workdesks like to be included at Christmas too, so here is mine . . . .
This was taken last night.
There is table confetti, I had intended to use to decorate the festive table  . . . but in the end I forgot . . hey-ho I will use it for next years cards.
A  pre made calendar to add photos to

I still had one page to finish, but I couldn't until today. Decembers page!

A photo of Erin in her favourite present.... of course . . .  a cardboard box.

Well that's it for the writing..... except to say a very merry christmas to all my friends in blogland.
Peace and happiness to you all for the coming year.
I cannot promise to visit too many desk this week but will try and visit back.
See you on a workdesk very soon.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

WOYWW 185 pots of gold

Hi wednesday world
Desk hopping time again.. is there really only 1 wednesday in a week?

Before I show you my desk this week please spare a few thoughts for the families in the US who have lost so many loved ones at the school shootings.
It was a  terrible tragedy and my heart goes out to them.  So many young lives wasted.

Here's my desk! I am keeping it very brief this week ..... lots to do.

There is actually real work going on for the first time in ages.... a Christmas pressie for a friend,
 she doesn't read my blog, so it won't spoil the surprise.
There is a lot of inka gold on the frame it looks very lush.
Here's a close up

There are  alcohol inks, embossing powders, old baby (wipes for applying the inka paste) and grunge paper flowers. . .  oh and a photo .... see the finished piece at the end.


 I also made a card for D2 . . . I used my new cute bear die cut and stamp set from memory box .
 She loves polar bears. A simple design but hey... time is short.
Here is the finished frame.... remember the picture of GD Erin from a  few weeks ago?

Anyway, usual rules apply, see you on a desk sometime soon.
Please leave your linky no. so I can get back to you.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

WOYWW 184 back again

hi world
well last week I had a brief affair with wordpress. It didn't work out..... all those emails Aggggghhhhh!
So I'm back to blogger however annoying it is sometimes, it's like home .... Ahhh!
Thanks for all the advise about the photo space. I now know how to make my pictures smaller(digitally not size wise) so they don't take up as much space in picasa. I may have to tweek the size .. are these too small to view properly? looks a bit fuzzy to me.
 I will have to pay the money though, fairly soon.... Ah well 'the man' usually wins in the end!

I can  finally show you my desk this week...... but rather gingerly.... Doh!

Aren't they cute?

These fab little men arrived in the post today. They have been die cut for me by the lovely Jo at
thanks Jo, Erin loved them.
I am going to string them onto ribbon as bunting for her new bedroom when  they move house.

I have finally made some Christmas cards... quite a few (36) on Sunday, ok, they won't win any prizes but they do the job.

And finally some of the mess left behind after making, said cards.

Hey you all know why I am telling you this and if you don't, have a little look-see here,   stamping-ground.  carefull it's addictive.... but great fun.... we all love being nosey don't we? Our busy busy hostess Julia is no exception.
Usual rules apply.... please leave your number and I will get back to you (after work)
janet....aka fairy thoughts back on blogger:)

Tuesday 4 December 2012


hi world
my WOYWW post isn't here this week.
Because of blogger limitations I have migrated over to  word press, so please visit me there
thanks fairythoughts2.


Tuesday 27 November 2012

WOYWW 182 back on track.... well I thought I was !

Wednesday again so soon ????
yep, it is an time again to have a good nosey around the workdesks of the world via head teacher Julia. stamping-ground.
Well I would love to show my desk BUT apparently I have used up my free allowance for photos. This is great because I didn't even know I had any. I'm not going to pay for more space as Google gets enough money as it is, so there.... not sure what to do now .... can anyone help?
 I tried to delete some picture from old posts but it didn't help. Is Google+ like facebook and is it safe? will it help?

Here is an old and 'strange' photo from my picasa album which I am obviously allowed to still use.

Needless to say my desk doesn't look like this at the moment.

It is FULL of stuff I have finally started to work on for Christmas.
But as I cannot show it I might as well go peep at some pictures of your desk
Me thinks the easiest thing to do would be start another blog 'fairy thoughts2' or would someone from google track me down and cut my hands off!! please watch this space and don't leave me

Tuesday 20 November 2012


Hi wednesday peepers back again so soon!

Well having had a continuous cold for the last 7 weeks I am fast loosing my sense of humour but I did see this at my Dr surgery.

Is it a relation Julia ?
Pop over to  stamping-ground.  to see what the real Ms Dunnit is upto.
Anyway you aren't here to read about my cold.... here's my desk, such as it is.

Lots of 'stuff' but nothing being made.
 At the front are some cute little polar bears, a die cut and stamp set from memory box. I plan to make some cards.... soon!
The pile of cards on the left are the ones handyman had for his birthday.... being recycled.
I am keeping the top one.

Too cute, eh! it makes me smile everytime I see it.

Well that's it for  this week.
See you on your desk later, if you are kind enough to comment please leave your Mr Linky no. how's that for brief.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

WOYWW 180 mojo, mojo, where for art thou mojo?

Hi world,

Desk noseying (is that a word?) time again, on my desk this week is . . . . . . junk, well not junk exactly but nothing creative and stuff that needs sorting and putting away.
Mr Mojo hasn't returned since my bad cold/ torn rib ligaments thingy.
On the left is a bag of shopping from my local craft store . . .  some memory box dies (watch this space for when Mr Mojo returns).
The cards piled up in the middle are all the lovely cards  I had for my birthday waiting to be recycled and sorted.
2 pairs of glasses?

This is the other desk I sometimes show.
 I am trying to get ready for a workshop at the weekend.
Still not sure exactly what they will be making. But it will be Christmassy, well it has to be doesn't it.

It was my Handyman's birthday on monday, I did manage to make this card for him late on Sunday eve.  Don't you just love the Octopode Factory?
Oh I have just noticed the chocolate medal from the crop how did I miss that ?
 note to self . . . eat chocolate.

Thanks for all the lovely comments last week, especially about the ribbon . .  and yes I was wearing the jumper when I cut the hanging ribbon out!!!!
Anyway off you hop to see what other  inspiring blogs Queen Julia  stamping-ground.   has signed up this week.
Thanks for stopping by, have a great crafty week
Ps lucy at  work has been trying to join in with WOYWW but has encountered a few linking probs please look her up if you have time  here
than ks  j


Tuesday 6 November 2012

WOYWW 179 not much to see really

Hi wednesday peepers
Oh my, wednesday again sooooo soon! Queen of the blog hops Julia says keep it short so here it is. Dont know what I am on about, check it out here stamping-ground.

Not much going on here I'm afraid..... no mojo,  still recovering from my cold a few weeks ago.
Most of  the 'stuff' has just been dumped here today.
The big box of pencils is there because I wanted some wax crayons for GD Erin to draw with today, she prefered the red one . . .Mmmm, very tasty . . ..  so we stopped that game he he!
The green ribbon I had just cut out of the  jumper I am wearing today, I always do this . . .  very useful for cards, dont you know!
 Finally the pretty wrapping paper roll is from work  . . . .to make some display cards with.

This is my desk later in the afternoon while Erin was asleep, I did managed to make  some  cards, I don't really use peel offs but these black trees  are quite interesting, they are layered over some holographic paper.
Well thats about it.
You may have heard this before . . .  but please leave your name and no. and I will get back to you after work.
Have a great week and happy crafting

Wednesday 31 October 2012

WOYWW178 No tricks . . .just treats

hi wednesday peepers

Oh where does my time go?
It can't really be a week since last wednesday can it ? Maybe it is a trick
 I am still working on the dining room table with my new 'toy' . . .   a real treat. . .  for me anyway. See  last week 's post
Thanks for all the birthday wishes and lovely comments.

(This has turned out to be quite a long post so feel free to skip the waffle and just look at the pictures.
If you want to see more treats, visit Julia head of the WOYWW covern  stamping-ground) .

Anyway here is my desk on Tuesday afternoon. What is on it I hear you ask ?

At the back are lots of  pots of beads....  still needing to be put away, they are taking over my life, must use some up.

Big bag of crafty stuff from work to make display items... dont know when I will get to that, but it needs to be done soooon!

Oh what's that at the front. Can you guess what it is  LLJ ?  Made with my new toy.


Voila..... a LLJ desk bin.
I brought this fab material in Arizona (I wish I had brought more, obviously).
I was saving it for 'just the right' project . . .  I think this is it.
A big thanks to Jo for the tutorial here.   jozartdesigns.
 I didn't have any boning so I used the plastic tubing I forgot to take to the WOYWW crop the other week,  well can't waste it can I.

Talking of the crop (sorry if you are bored of that now).
Here are the projects Julia gave us on the day, finally finished them.

 Christmas card kit, the background is very shimmery but it doesn't really show in the photo.

and finally the what if challenge.
Home is where your stash is
Well, I will catch you later after work, if you are kind enough to leave a comment please leave your Mr linky no. so I can find you and visit you right back.

Watch out for crafty ghosts this week.
happy halloween

Tuesday 23 October 2012

WOYWW177 waiting for a delivery

Hi wednesday nosey people

Desk hopping time again, where did the week go?
Why do I care ? visit Julia Queen of the desks to find out stamping-ground.

This is my messy desk on Tuesday morning.... nothing there .. absolutely nothing.... wait a while to see what the postman brings me.

I did make this during the day on my main desk.
 It is an advent calendar (yes finally started to think about Christmas)!
I love the pinsettia die cutter.
 At the back is my trusty Awl..... so usefull for making the holes fo rthe brads..... its one of my most useful tools and its about 80 years old !! .... no, I didnt make it!

I dont normally 'do' kits but I thought this was cute, there are 24 little drawers which I have decorated with christmasssy papers and brads.

 All I need to do now is find something to put in the drawers.... chocolate? probably.

Are you ready to see what's on my desk now .   (actually it's the dining room table at the moment)
 TA DAH!     
HAPPY BIRTHDAY  TO ME    (BIG hug to the handyman XXXX for buying me this fab new sewing machine)

Look out for some serious sewing from me real soon.......Pretty please  LLJ,  I might want to copy your fab desk bin thing .. if thats ok.

That was nice and brief wasn't it ?

If you leave a comment , I will visit you right back, but please add your Mr Linky no so I can find you....... Ta!
See you and  your desk later

janet aka fairy thoughts

Friday 19 October 2012

knitting needle case

Hi world
from time to time I like make stuff to sell (hopefully) on e bay, not masses, you know, when the fancy takes me.
 Recently I have sold a couple of knitting needle cases. Unfortunately I haven't kept track of the  ones I have sold very well and re listed the wrong ones. So just for Claire who wants to buy one, here is the correct picture..... hope you like it and it works for you.
Most people who actually know me already know know this...... I AM A MUPPET!
have a great weekend wherever you are


Tuesday 16 October 2012

WOYWW 176 The Saturday Edition

Hi Wednesday World
Saturday? I hear you  cry. Saturday was the day of the WOYWW crop.
Sorry if you have heard it already on another blog.

 What a day it turned out to be. Everyone seemed like old friends, it was lovely to put faces and voices to names and art!
After the introductions we started with the important part of the day.... eating cake . . . . and what cake there was, yummy, yummy, yummy!     Morti what's the recipe please.

I was still suffering with my horrid cold, and was very aware that I didnt want to 'pass it on'

I had spent the day before battling around Ally Pally at the knitting and stitching show  and was feeling  a bit jadded and not my usual chatty self.

I  didn't take many pics, I forgot really, if you want to see more  hop over to stamping-ground   and follow the links.
anyway here are a few of my pictures of the day

This is my desk when Morti was showing us how to alter a domino ( see how it turned out at the end of this post).

Here is LLJ flexing her muscles ready to serve us a delicious hot lunch, no wimpy sausage rolls and sandwiches for the WOYWW girls.

Sam (hettiecraft) and fergus weren't sure if they had brought enough stuff.

Kate's ( i think) beautifully packed bag, love those coloured pens

Pam started off with a blank canvas, this is how it finished . . . beautifull won a gold medal :)

I managed to finish my domino this morning.

The bee is shrink plastic and the stamp is from craft stamper

Here is my desk early on Tuesday afternoon, it isn't stripey just very sunny.
Most of the stuff is still to be put away after the weekend.
Still full of cold and didn't feel like it.

The pink goodie bag had choccies, a pincushion  (in the middle) and a card challenge from Julia and LLJ.
The green felt is for my next charity project..... poppies for the british legion poppy appeal . . . ... more  about these next week.
I will try and visit as many as possible this week, it is a real problem now with so many posting.
Several of us at the crop do the same thing ... that is, visit  followers, all that comment and those with the same ending number, it seems to work well.
thanks for visiting, please leave a comment if you can.

See you on a workdesk near you soon
janet aka fairy thoughts

Wednesday 10 October 2012

WOYWW 175 a quicky post

Hi wednesday peepers
A very quick boring post from me this week as I have a horrid head cold and cough.....
Here's the pictures of my desk. Not much to see, I have been in bed all day.

The string on the tray is hair left over from making an angel  ... as you do! . . . .I had to finish it for display at work. That's all there is .

Last week I saw several desks that had stuff from craft stamper magazine on. So I thought I really must get on and make something from there, so here is a card I made using perfect pearls and DI.

For any of you out there who are going to the crop on Saturday and would like to make the beaded tassel see it here   tassel
Lastly for anyone out there that doesn't know what this is all about check out the crazy world of workdesks here  stamping-ground. 
If you are kind enough to leave a comment I will visit you back..... headache allowing that is
If you are going on Saturday see you there 3 more sleeps to go

Friday 5 October 2012

WOYWW crop

hi wednesday peepers

I know it's not wednesday but this is just a quick post about the WOYWW crop on the 13th.

In my madness I have offered to do a workshop at the crop..... either one of the beaded tassels below.

You dont need any experience (but they are very small beads) and I can bring some kits with everything you need, for a small charge of about £3.50, which will just cover the cost of the ingredients.

Obviously if you have your own seed or feature beads do bring them along, the tassel will take about 2 hours.
If you are interested just leave me a comment or want to know more e mail me at
only 8 more sleeps to go till we all meet.... yah... it will be lovely to have  faces to go with all the crazy names.
janet aka fairy thoughts

Tuesday 2 October 2012


Hi wednesday peepers
Well, this weeks desk is post  wedding ,,,,,, yay. Everything was fabulous on the day, even the sun shone. The bride was absolutely beautiful. I might post a few more photos next week from the reception that other people took... Nope I think it is time to move on. . . .  enough
Anyway lots to show so I won't waste your time by writing too much ..... just show the pictures!
This is my desk Tuesday afternoon...... lots going on

I am on holiday this week so I am catching up on stuff that was left before the wedding
 Trying to finish D1's wedding album from last year.

Some of you may remember the last minute necklace I started last week. Here it is finished, plus earrings and a bracelet. See, I said I had loads of time hee hee.

These are the original wedding geckos, they are made from  MDF, I painted them with crackle paint and decorated with papermania gems. just to explain D2 has a real gecko called Tango

As you can see geckos are a bit of a theme, these are from the top of the wedding cake. Cute huh!

I finished the album, this was the last page. Later on I started  making some more boxes to stack my DI pads in.,
This is my desk later in the eveining

 They are made from foam board, they work really well and are quick to make. But now time for a little glass of something red, a bar of something brown and nutty and a rest ZZZZZZZZZZZ

If you dont know why I am showing you all this, where have you been, it's the nosiest blog hop around. hop over to
I hope to visit a lot more desks this week . . .  no wedding stuff to do.
Well I'm done with all that ... well for a couple of years anyway!!!
If you are kind enough to leave a comment I will visit you back so please include you Mr Linky no.
See ya

Tuesday 25 September 2012

WOYWW173 the menu is

Hi wednesday peepers
this is going to be really quick ... 'coz I nearly forgot to write this
If you haven't heard of WOYWW then where have you been?  pop over to   to find out and maybe join in.

That done, here is my desk, this was taken tuesday evening.
In the middle  (actually they are all over the place) are some swap books i am doing ... time flies.

On the left is a pile of beading magazines, I am looking for ideas to make a necklace for Saturday's wedding..... yes this saturday ..... mad or what.

This was my desk earlier when I had just finished the menu place settings for said wedding.
The easels on the back can be removed so they can be used as a bookmark afterwards.
D2 and Matt are huge book lovers!!!

They have geckos and hearts stamped on the back.
Anyway I may not get to too many desks this week .... necklace to make !!
see ya.....! if you leave a comment thanks
p.s. dont you just love the writing on the mug? ... that's me alright
bed time !