
Friday, 6 December 2013

Why am I smiling

Well today lovely people I am smiling because I am of to West Dean college for a weekend of creative machine embroidery. So looking forward to this I might even forget I have a cold. Here is some off the stuff I an taking 

Lots of lovely silks and threads. Yes that is a bag of chocolate truffles on the side, well a girl needs sustanence as well as creativity doesn't she.
Ok I'm off to paint my nails all pretty, well a girl needs a bit of glamour to go with posh chocolates doesn't she ?
I am linking this to Annie's Friday smile so do take a look there too.
Here's a little something that might make you smile too...... My winter hat, please remember I am a 55 year old grandmother ..... 
strangers often smile at this hehe 
Have a great weekend whatever you are doing


  1. Oh how I would love to be coming with you today...instead I'm sitting making alterations to a bottle green wedding dress....and green just isn't my colour!
    Have a wonderful day and do share the results. Love the hat btw.
    Annie x

  2. Ooh I'd love to be there with you for this weekend, lucky you. Have fun.
    As for the hat..... HAHAHAHAaaaaaaaaa! love it!
    Jo x

  3. did someone say chocolate truffles?
    have a fab sewing weekend and thanks for your lovely comment
    Gill xx

  4. I am smiling now after seeing your hat! Haa Haa. Now pass me a chocolate please!


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